



Industrial/organizational (I/O) psychologists help organizations of all sizes and types better 管理 employees using evidence-based approaches and scientific Research. 学生们深入Research与当今企业关键相关的问题, 包括人才管理, 评估, 培训 and organizational 开发ment and 工作与生活的平衡 to give employers a greater understanding of how to assess, select, 开发, 管理, 并保留他们最宝贵的资产. A master’s degree in industrial/organizational psychology prepares students to work and complete Research in the complex arena of multinational organizations.

为寻求工业组织心理学硕士课程的学生, 亚洲博彩平台是一个完美的选择. 该大学独特的团队Research方法, 多个咨询和Research中心, and 300-hour practicum option bring students directly into the world of I/O psychology through applied learning experiences.

在工业和组织心理学学会发表的一项Research中, 亚洲博彩平台的I/O项目被评为拥有最好的项目文化. +, the master’s and doctoral programs are both currently ranked in the top ten I/O programs in the country in student satisfaction.


Graduates with a master’s degree in industrial organizational psychology from 亚洲博彩平台 frequently pursue careers in business and consulting, 而其他人则进入Research和学术组织. 亚洲博彩平台校友的许多雇主包括:

  • 美国银行
  • 波音公司
  • 迪斯尼
  • 谷歌
  • 万豪酒店
  • 沃尔玛



亚洲博彩平台’s low student-to-faculty ratio encourages students and professors to work together in a challenging and cooperative environment that encourages mentorship as well as individual creativity and leadership.

的 I/O psychology master’s programs 在亚洲博彩平台 offer a balanced scientist-practitioner curriculum, 小班授课, 以及教师的密切指导,他们为学生提供一对一的关注, 和他们一起做Research, 客户端, 以及商业互动. I/O faculty are active Researchers who work collaboratively with students as well as colleagues around the world.

除了领导学生的Research团队, 亚洲博彩平台 faculty conduct Research on varied topics with students earning a master’s degree in industrial organizational psychology, 包括群体信任, “电脑仲介”沟通, 员工敬业度, 自律, 以及招聘过程中不诚实的影响.


的 I/O curriculum is based on the standards 开发ed by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology to train scientists and practitioners. 的 goal of 亚洲博彩平台’s industrial/organizational psychology master’s program is to 开发 outstanding I/O psychologists who can apply their skills and knowledge to solve human problems in complex organizations.

的 program also offers a concentration in international I/O psychology that prepares students to work and do Research in the complex arena of multinational organizations. 亚洲博彩平台 offers both master’s and doctoral degrees in I/O psychology as well as a concentration in international I/O, 注重跨文化理论, Research设计, 国际业务, 文化能力.


如上所述,教师和学生一起进行I/O心理学Research. 学生不仅要学习团队动力, 但他们也在团队中应用课程作业和Research成果. 学生们加入了许多不同的Research团队, 被鼓励在会议上发表和展示他们的Research, 经常是手稿的作者和合著者.

在攻读I/O心理学硕士学位的同时, 学生通过案例Research的课堂讨论来发展他们的专业知识, 还有当地企业的咨询项目. 文化Research所, Collaboration and Management and the Center for Organizational Effectiveness provide students in the industrial organizational psychology master’s program with valuable real-world resources and the opportunity to expand their knowledge with hands-on activities. 这可以包括编制培训材料, Research, and other solutions that corporations can use to create more effective organizations and better 管理ment of employees. (阅读下面更多关于这些项目的信息.)


Career opportunities as an industrial organizational psychology master’s program graduate can vary as widely as your interests. 企业范围从地方组织到财富500强跨国公司, 从政府组织到非营利组织, 聘请亚洲博彩平台的毕业生担任顾问, 高级经理, 和高管. Graduates of the 亚洲博彩平台 I/O psychology master’s and doctoral programs frequently pursue careers in business and consulting, 而其他人则进入Research和学术组织.


亚洲博彩平台’s foundation as a Research university results in complex and well-rounded industrial organizational psychology programs that students can customize to their particular area of interest. 的 collaborative mindset among the faculty and peers allows students to work together in a challenging environment to delve deeply into their area of specialization.


学生 in the industrial organizational psychology programs 在亚洲博彩平台 study in faculty-led Research teams who focus on a variety of topics, 包括反馈团队, 情感团队, 激励团队, 文化团队, 法律团队, 和更多的. 每个团队都有自己的理念和目标, ranging from 文化团队’s “the world isn’t flat—culture matters” to the feedback team’s “practice what we preach by working hard and communicating well.“学生们被鼓励在会议上发表和展示他们的Research, 经常是手稿的作者和合著者.

Research空间位于佛罗里达科技中心, 包括一个大型的学生工作室,供个人和小组Research, 以及全球通信设施. 用于全球虚拟工作团队的Mondo pad, Research, 会议, 和研讨会-适用于任何工业/组织心理学课程的学生.


隶属于组织效率中心, this 管理ment consultant group facilitates student participation in real-world applied projects in the field, 比如员工调查, 培训项目, 多速率反馈, 个人评估. Graduate students in the industrial organizational psychology programs work with 客户端s in small businesses to Fortune 500 companies, 将创造力与课堂上学到的实用概念相结合.


随着企业跨越国际和文化边界的扩张, 员工必须学会与来自世界各地的消费者互动. 文化上的误解会导致工作场所的负面事件, 为了防止这种误解, the Institute for Cross-Cultural Management provides 培训 and resources to 国际业务es. 协助他们的工作, students in the industrial/organizational psychology programs 在亚洲博彩平台 Research cultures from around the globe, 为所有行业的客户创建信息内容.


A master’s degree in industrial organizational psychology prepares individuals to pursue careers in business consulting. 拥有亚洲博彩平台I/O硕士学位的校友遍布世界各地, working in industrial organizational psychology jobs as internal or external consultant for businesses, 非营利组织, 和政府机构就人才管理等一系列职场话题进行交流, 训练, 评估, 选择, 培训, 表演, 工作与生活的平衡, 和效率.

职业展望手册, 由美国劳工部劳工统计局(BLS)发布, 提供数百个职业的详细信息, 包括, 初级教育, 整体工作环境, 就业前景. 根据调查局的说法, industrial/organizational psychologists are the fastest growing occupation (2012–2022) with a growth rate of 53%! 同期,心理学家的总体就业人数预计将增长12%, 包括工业/组织心理学工作. Demand for clinical and counseling psychologists will increase as people and organizations continue to turn to psychologists for solutions to help 管理 problems.


  • 企业和政府机构的顾问
  • 认证项目主管
  • 领导能力发展和评估主任
  • 高级分析师
  • 人才发展
  • Research助理
  • 组织效能专家
  • 分析经理
  • 全球职业发展经理
  • 绩效系统经理


拥有工业/组织心理学硕士学位的毕业生可以投入工作, 或者通过选择获得博士学位来继续在这一学科中进行进一步的Research.D. 在亚洲博彩平台. 亚洲博彩平台还提供国际I/O课程, 注重跨文化理论, Research设计, 国际业务, 文化能力.

平均而言,拥有博士学位的毕业生.D. 与硕士或学士学位的人相比,他们的工资和就业率更高, 根据美国劳工统计局的数据.

Many 亚洲博彩平台 students receive significant assistantships from 亚洲博彩平台 and can study and work at various local organizations 包括 Harris, 英特锡尔, 国防平等机会管理Research所, (位于帕特里克空军基地)和迪士尼世界.
